Sunday, August 13, 2017

Hello All,

My name is Bryan AKA: NightGamerNelo.  I have recently decided to start up a game/movie review blog and am attempting to create my own youtube channel as well.  Thought it would be a fun to try out and see where it takes me.  This will be for anyone and everyone who enjoys games, movies or whatever we are all in the mood for.

Just a quick brief on myself.  I am a 36 you old father of 2, I have a 9 yr old son and a 4 month old baby girl.  My wife and I work full time in the medical field and to be honest i'm sick of it so I thought i'd try this out and see where it led.  I call myself NightGamerNelo mainly because night time is the only real time I have to play hahaha.  gotta wait for the wife and kids to knock out before my fun time begins.  I guess this site could be for those dads and moms who have that to do as well.  Anyway like I said any and all are welcome.  The games I generally play and will be reviewing are RPGs like final fantasy series, Tales of series, etc.  I enjoy strategy games like XCom and Disgaea.  I try to avoid FPS games as much as possible as well as the sports and racing ones.  never really got into it.  If you'd like me to review one in particular I always welcome suggestions.  I know i'm knew and have to build a fan base so good luck to me with that haha.  I hope you all come to my blog from time to time to check out what I have and if you have any suggestions please feel free to send them my way.

My page will be undergoing some changes so this is not the final product.

Take care all and happy gaming, hope to see you all in my next review,
